"חנוך לנער על פי דרכו גם כי יזקין לא יסור ממנה"
Educate a child according to his ways
Montessori Torah Academy was established by an educator who saw the need for something more. MTA offers the best quality of Jewish care and education. To inspire the children, foster their independence, develop a curiosity and love for life long learning, in accordance with developmentally appropriate practices at every age and stage, all while respecting the children's needs and personal rights.

Social and Emotional
Our primary focus at MTA is to support your child through their social development as they begin forming relationships with their teachers and peers, as well as their emotional regulations skills. Healthy social and emotional skills are the foundation to and proceeds all academic learning.

Building Emotional Regulation and Emotional Literacy Skills

Healthy Relationships with Teachers and Peers

Communication Skills

Sensory Play

Healthy Sense of Self
Love for Torah and Mitzvot
The Essence of MTA

Daily Davening, Brachot and Bracha Achrona

Weekly Parsha

Chaggim and Minhaggim

Mitzvot and Maasim Tovim

Rosh Chodesh Activities

Jewish Themes and Values

Shabbat Party
Cognitive Skills
Cognitive skills can be developed in various ways through various avenues such as group games, one on one lessons, our Montessori curriculum, open ended conversations etc.


Language and Literacy

(Botany and Zoology)

Art and Music
Motor Skills
This includes fine and gross motor skills.
Fine motor skills develop the small muscles in the hands and wrist, a prerequisite to handwriting.
Gross motor skills includes the development of large muscles such as the arms, legs or torso.

Movement and Sports Games

Dancing and Yoga

Montessori Practical Life Works

Sensory Play
Practical Life Skills
The Practical Life area in the Montessori classroom as well as well as meal times fosters practical life skills.


Meal Prep Skills
i.e. pouring, scooping, tonging, peeling, cutting and chopping

Fine Motor Development
i.e. threading, sewing, pin punching, gardening

Health and Wellness
i.e nutrition, healthy eating, body boundaries and consent

Care of Self